Here is information on travel routes for those planning for future markets.
Travel to the Jokkmokk market is organized by several tour operators. Flights to our nearest airports in Gällivare, Luleå and Arvidsjaur as well as bus/rental car are booked online, or through your travel agent.
For regular buses call Länstrafiken on +46 771-100 110. Please note that buses to and from Jokkmokk take an alternative route through the community, as some streets are closed during market days, see the Länstrafiken website. Länstrafiken buses only arrive and depart from the bus station Wednesday-Sunday during the market week as it is not possible to stop at all bus stops due to traffic diversions.
Jokkmokk’s Infocenter tel. +46 971-222 50 can help answer questions about transportation to the market.