Useful information about the Jokkmokk market 2025

Here is some information that is useful to know before and during your visit to the Jokkmokk Market 2025. You will find the same information in the printed market program, which can be picked up at the market office in Jokkmokk’s municipal building.

Shopping At Jokkmokk’s Market

It is often possible to pay by debit or credit card or transfer by Swish at the various vendors, but it may be a good idea to carry cash as well.


Take the bus to Jokkmokk’s Market! You won’t have to get into a cold car and you’ll be kinder to the environment. There are chartered bus trips from several places in Norrbotten and from different parts of the country. Regular buses can be found on Länstrafiken’s website, tel. 0771-100 110. NOTE! Länstrafikens buses only have pick-up and drop-off at Jokkmokk’s bus station Wednesday-Sunday (Feb 5 – Feb 9)


It is best to leave your dog at home so that it does not get stressed or injured in the crowded market area. Service dogs are allowed.

Loud-Speaker Announcements

Advertising announcements are available for purchase Thursday to Saturday 10:00 to 18:00. Advance booking: tel. +46 (0)70 – 357 13 65.

Infocenter / Market Office

Welcome in! We are located in the town hall. Here you will find information and tips for your visit.Opening hours during the market week:
Monday-Tuesday 08:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 16:00,
Wednesday 08:00 – 20:00,
Thursday – Friday 08:00 – 18:00,
Saturday 09:00 – 18:00, and Sunday 10:00 – 13:00.
Telephone: +46 (0)971 – 222 50.

Withdrawing Cash

There is only one ATM in Jokkmokk, at Sparbanken Nord. It is also possible to withdraw cash if you are a Sparbanken customer. Our advice is to have cash with you before coming to Jokkmokk.
Sparbanken Nord, Berggatan 9,
+46 (0)771-23 00 23.
Månday to Friday 10:00 to 13:00.

Cell phones / mobile phones

Be aware that the large number of people in Jokkmokk may result in the network being overloaded at times. Set a time and place to meet up if you get separated in the crowd.


Car parking for market visitors is available in the industrial area of town, right as you come into town on the highway from Luleå. See the map in the middle of the program. On Friday and Saturday, hosts will be available to show you the way to the car park. It is within walking distance from the parking lot to the marketplace. Proceeds go in full to a non-profit organisation.

Parking for people with disabilities is available on request, but cannot be pre-booked. Call +46 (0)971 – 222 50 for more information.

Reindeer caravan

Don’t miss the traditional reindeer caravan with the Kuhmunen family. It goes through the market area on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It stops at the snow stage in the middle of the market area at 12:00 – 12:30 depending on how crowded the road is.

Lost and found

Lost and found items can be handed in to the Police in Jokkmokk. The reception at Jokkmokk Police Station will be open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (February 5-7) between 10:00 and 16:00. The station is located at Klockarvägen 21.


During the Jokkmokk market, there are taxis from both Jokkmokk and other towns.
Jokkmokks Taxi +46 (0)971-551 20
Sverige Taxi Gällivare +46 (0)970-100 00
Sverige Taxi Luleå +46 (0)920-100 00
Sverige Taxi Piteå +46 (0)911-800 00


Portable toilets are available in the market area. See the map of the market area.


Recycling bins are located on the “Svensson’s plot of land”. See the map of the market area. Help us keep the market area clean – put your garbage in the nearest bin.